Author Event: Saturday, August 12, 2023 from 11am to 2pm

Please join us on Saturday, August 12, 2023 from 11am to 2pm when Dwight Thompson will be signing copies of Inner Sanctum


MY LIFE is a balm, five-ring alarm
1, 2, 3, Contact! do you bodily harm
catch where I'm coming from?
as your life signs go critical
My hidden agenda becomes visible / physical
Lyrical my mission statement / hit the pavement
Anybody ask / FedEx / I was sent
to leave a dent in this world / impact crater
see the world for what it is / a baby shower.
MY LIFE by Dwight Thompson, Poem #1 of INNER SANCTUM: Protecting my Peace through Poetry.
It is not a misstep thinking that poetry is primarily an intellectual endeavour. It simply never was and never will be. Poetry is a spiritual endeavour first, the voice of the universe manifesting in range that cannot be measured or contained.
Poetry is life. Poetry is about taking the truths of the universe and focusing it into a drop of blue ink and then having the words expand in a reader's mind, beyond the space between their ears and their years.
Why do you think we spend so much time and energy learning about my peers, reciting the words written in ages past by the Gibrans and the Shakespeares? We are trying to connect our human consciousness across space and time, distance and history, knowing that there's a possibility that the future might be impacted by our words. In between the pages and screenshots we are hoping to find that elusive meaning and richness of life.
Life is spiritual. Our every walking, waking moment is refined by an energy that we cannot see and scientists are just beginning to discover fully. It has not stopped this spirituality from being taken for granted, manipulated by the music industry, entertainment complexes, sports monopolies and the broadcast media so that sometimes the vortex of feelings and beliefs threatens to overwhelm us.
In walks myself with a broken pen, spilling ink with every breath I take, watching 0's and 1's become oohs and aahs of a fickle minority/majority. Our faith promises peace by trusting in Jesus, even in the most adverse circumstance (John 14:27). The takeaway is that this peace is not defined by the situation but by your spiritual existence and connection to something greater than you.
Whether you believe spirituality is a detriment to society or a supplement to our morality, ignoring the spiritual in our lives is denying our self the ability to grow, to love, to change, to plan and to find peace.
Everyone should have a poem that resonates with them. A poet and a writer that brings a truth within them into the outer realm. What is your favourite book of poetry or quotes or devotions that concludes the day and/or opens the night?
My true peace starts within with acceptance, that we all need poetry in our lives.
Welcome to my Inner Sanctum.
Dwight Thompson




Author Event: Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 11am to 2pm


Author Event: July 29, 2023, from 11a.m. to 2p.m.